Sunday, September 5, 2010

YASHA Ministry - On a MISSION!

As an introduction, a few words from the founder:

YASHA is a Hebrew root word which means that help or deliverance is freely available to provide a haven of safety for every child.The objective is to raise awareness for the desperate need in Africa for value-based education. Our school - YASHA Mission Academy - is only one such school, but millions of children need to be reached.

Accelerated Christian Education - or also known as the School of Tomorrow - proves to be a very effective and accurate tool in bringing up children. Not only does it provide an excellent standard of education, but it also teaches students how to live life in a responsible way, how to govern themselves, how to release their personal, God-given potential, how to set goals and achieve it, how to live with moral upright, how to make use of every opportunity that might come their way.

YASHA Mission Academy is a small school with a BIG heart. We are one of the pilot schools of EMPOWER AFRICA, a sector under Congress World Breakthrough Network which is an Apostolic Prophetic Global Network.

LET'S WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We are not here for ever ...Whatever we want to do, let's do it now!

- Lydia Venter, director of Yasha Ministry Kenya, Africa
Photo by Lydia Venter, I volunteer at YASHA.

YASHA MInistry.
A learning center at YASHA Ministry.

Through YASHA Ministry, the mission provides less fortunate children a safe place to learn and grow in order to prosper in their own life. A job well done is evident on each and every child's face, giving them the determination to rise to a higher level. Their mission has become part of my life and through this blog I will continue to provide first hand experiences from my travels through Kenya, Africa! Together, we will raise awareness and support to see YASHA Ministry prevail!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The smallest gesture can make a HUGE difference!

Children walk the streets of Kenya, aimlessly, with bare feet and hardly enough clothes to fit their growing bodies.  As parents, widows and siblings struggle to get food on the table, some quickly become fed up with the responsibility and give up, leaving these children alone in desperation.

On my journey through Njoro, Kenya, a little girl opened her heart to me and I, first hand, witnessed such poverty.  Her world consists of a two room mud house (which she shares with 2 brothers and parents), a hole outside dug in the ground as means of a toilet and no running water...once we walked into her 'home", I realize her whole life is covered in dirt. Mud and sand surround her but will she one day be the mud that no longer sticks to the wall and rather finds a new way of life?

These are the questions that surround life in Kenya and I am striving to help find the answers for each child! The quest has just begun and together we can make a difference!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Karibu Kenya!

Back from such an incredible journey, one I will never be able to
explain through words, pictures or stories but here goes...


From the moment I stepped foot on African soil, I felt a emotional connection ignited within me, a true love for Africa!

Nothing that we deem important makes sense over there. Over there, it is just simple truths, simple needs and common bonds in order to wake to see another day!

A typical day, in front of the general store.

Ultimately we are all human beings trying to survive in this CRAZY world. Some of us might be a different nationality, race, religion or sex but the fight is alive in each and every one of us.

A days work!

In Kenya, human beings needs to work a little harder; life is a struggle.
Everyday is a grind to get around villages and towns, to bring food home to families just to see another day.
Water isn't always running, work is hard to come by and an outlet is nowhere in sight.
But with this worry comes hope and a determination to make a change in Kenya!

View from top of the mountain with a special little boy!

From my trip came a passion for the children; to keep them educated and see that they have a safe haven to grow and learn! My goal is to raise awareness of this country's needs and the needs of Yasha Ministry who see them through...please join me as I make a change day by day!